Exceeded preklad
Exceeded preklad

exceed překlad z češtiny do angličtiny – Seznam Slovník
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Laboratories must also be placed under obligation to report cases where the limit values are exceeded to the national supervisory authorities. Laboratoře musí také mít povinnost hlásit případy překročení limitních hodnoty vnitrostátním orgánům dohledu.

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the Party of the European Left (GE) exceeded its provisional budget and made a loss of EUR 42 000, which is not entirely covered by existing capital; the party must therefore significantly improve its internal control structures and immediately recapitalise the party in order to meet the liabilities for 2005 and to guarantee a sufficient

reporting - český překlad - slovník bab.la
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The Member States are obliged, subject to judicial review by the national courts, only to take such measures — in the context of an action plan and in the short term — as are capable of reducing to a minimum the risk that the limit values or alert thresholds may be exceeded and of ensuring a gradual return to a level below those values or thresholds, taking into account the factual circumstances and …

Slovenský preklad „exceed“ | Webslovník.sk
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Workarounds for eBay Auctions With Reserve Not Met
Preklad „exceed“ z angličtiny do slovenčiny. Rýchly a korektný preklad slov a fráz v online prekladovom slovníku na Webslovník.sk

limit - slovenský preklad - Linguee
uk /ɪkˈsiːd/ us /ɪkˈsiːd/. C1 to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit: The final cost should not exceed $5,000. The success of our campaign has exceeded our wildest expectations. She was found guilty on three charges of exceeding …

Preklad „exceeded“ do slovenčiny - Slovnik.sk
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